Wednesday, November 24, 2021

God in trivial things


God in trivial things ....

"God" - the very word causes string and series of thoughts in differed kinds,for some it may be cliche - as the world in all it's glory provides a spectrum of colors. While "God"comes in the arena of black and whites. or maybe beyond the bounds of common kind.....for the colors are so engrossing...Colors beyond the epiphany of those kinds whose very question of survival is sunken amid the dilemma of uncertainties or for some whose very thoughts break havoc on them like "mine" kind... The word God is like an anchor of affirmations.... Still the negation applies what does God wants... His absolute "silence" appalled by cascade of spiral winding in the world where things can go from bad to beyond worse where everything appears to glow with a hint of dismal and sadness.... In the world where nothing was supposed to be absolute.. I see desires creeping in eyes as " absolute"- like a approaching hound towards a probable prey..... Still there is order, there is scope.. There is a possibility for the light to prevail... And this never yielding zeal running through my veins to not to give in, give out or give up.... These things are so trivial... Still in the language of silence the word "God" Is written all over it... Indeed God is found in triflings whose very essence are used by most to divide is actually something unifying everything... What a paradox... And as I behold it in my thoughts... I wonder God is smirking at me... And I wonder.