Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The quaint little test called life...

How strange is it that the One who is all pervading , the all-knowing , the One who is ruling the order of life takes your test in this endurance that too through major turmoil and some good deal of  heart breaks but He never allows to fail you. It is with huge ponderance do I reflect on the past days,while oblivion is staring at me through the window of future, do I utter these words that no matter how hard the test are, how very uncertain the things might seem if you have faith upon your Creator, you will not be disappointed. For life is so subtle that you barely notice yourself walking through the doors you once prayed for. There is so much to reflect on the turns of life with each page unfolding , with each question the morning sun put across you I find only one answer surpassing all walls high and the answer is Allah, the one to whom I am to return... You might not agree with me, but in your despondence I do not find my cues, my resting place... In the hearts of hearts wherever I turn to the baseless,treacherous the abode of sorrow this world is ..where nothing comes with guarantee ... I seek an intention to get a sight of loyalty at the door of betrayal and that paradox I get in One existence in One entity  and that is Him is it my intoxication with the idealism or a love instilled in my soul from the beginning of time that I know in my hearts that it is Him only..the One whom I turn to at the time of my despondence which He with His unknown magic wand turn into resplendence and I know that even if the ship is safest when it is in the port but that's not the ships were built for, it was made to sail and like the ship I have to let go all the chaos . The moment my throat pains high to scream out loud, to cry out a river. I would chose to expose a smile,giving dare to my chaos to pull me down if it can. For I know I have someone backing me and I know it is the Majestic One, its Him.

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