Thursday, February 10, 2022

 Surah Al Fatihah..

As a child I remember reciting this Surah was one of the beginnings of my journey in trying to connect with Allah. When I was very young almost five I remember a glimpse of my late mother giving me a heartfelt smile as I tried reciting Al Fatihah ardently without knowing its meaning, as most of the child does route learning of certain Surahs and Ayahs in their own journey of practicing Islam. Long time back after growing up when anticipations and aspirations towards life got broken and depression starts setting in I turn to Allah in trying to comprehend all the meaning of life and the strength to carry on. While uttering the very words of Al Fatihah my heart would linger on the meanings of it while my tongue would slightly and subtly commit the iteration of Al Fatihah and let all the meaning sink in. Though the Surah is also called  Umm Al-Kitab and Ar-Ruqyah (remedy) there are many virtues of reading  it buto ne of the virtue is that it’s a prayer which when you recite then Allah answers in return.

 Muslim recorded that Abu Hurayrah said that the Prophet said, 

Whoever performs any prayer in which he did not read Umm Al-Qur'an, then his prayer is incomplete.

He said it thrice.

Abu Hurayrah was asked, "When we stand behind the Imam"

He said, "Read it to yourselr, for I heard the Messenger of Allah say,

Allah, the Exalted, said, "I have divided the prayer (Al-Fatihah) into two halves between Myself and My servant, and My servant shall have what he asks for.'

If he says,(AII praise and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of existence.

Allah says, ' My servant has praised Me.'

When the servant says,The Most Gracious, the Most Mercirul.

Allah says, ' My servant has gloriried Me.'

When he says,  The Owner of the Day of Recompense.

Allah says, ' My servant has glorified Me,' or ' My servant has related all matters to Me.'

When he says,  You (alone) we worship, and You (alone) we ask for help.

Allah says, "This is between Me and My servant, and My servant shall acquire what he sought.'

When he says Guide us to the straight path. the way of those on whom You have granted Your grace, not (the way) of those who earned Your anger, nor of those who went astray,

Allah says, "This is for My servant, and My servant shall acquire what he asked for.'."

These are the words of An-Nasa'i, while both Muslim and An-Nasa'i collected the following wording,

"A half of it is for Me and a half for My servant, and My servant shall acquire what he asked for."

Subhan Allah. Praise of all kinds does only suits Him who calls us to His “deen” and after calling answer our prayers in ways He finds right for us. Who speaks in silence when all else is a poor transation as said by Rumi. And Allhamdulillah for all the sufferings which brings us closer to Him in this life for He is our final Abode, our destination. To the One we do return to. And all my trying of seeking Him is actually Him seeking me because He knows I have no recluse to turn to other than Him. Subhan Allah.

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