Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Surah Mulk

 Its whenever I read Surah  Al Mulk and listen to  its Tajweed with translation, whirling emotions rise within me like tide rising on seeing a moon. There is so much I want to say about it, but then I think to my self that so insignificant I am to say about Allah's words but I have  hope on Allah's mercy that He will forgive my mistakes especially those I do carelessly, not knowing . I want to say that Allah is so magnificent in Might and Honor and everything I bestow His Honor with and may my pen does not betray me when it comes to writing about Him. This Surah starts with praise of Allah, indeed our Lord is worthy of all praise and has true  right over it. The whole surah is beautiful like the whole Qur'an( even for those parts which we can't decipher) it goes on to talk about how He created the Universe, and the image of Night sky comes to my mind...how very beyond my reach does it exist and how very a spectacle I behold is paradox in its own. Its when He says that He has strung the stars for us to see and to comprehend who is its Creator. Reminds me that everything that exist is a witness of its Creator. and How  very absolute that Creator might have been Who has created the things so very perfectly. Indeed its an honor that He is my "Rab"  and its enough for me that I am His "ibadee". Its when He says that " Look at the birds..." He signifies those things too which we cant comprehend. Indeed He is absolute and everywhere. In some other verses He signifies that we as people are just walking around what we can't see or feel can't exist for us  and in this thing we are so " ghafil" and yet how very wrong for us to walk in this land as we own everything. Its an Irony that the King of all the Kings does invite us to His path and is when He warn us against His wrath I see His mercy. I have read somewhere that through Him only we get to walk righteously. May He guide us all to His Mercy and give us the strength to carry on after His guidance is my silent prayer and wish. Aameen


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